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Medicinal plant seed, herbs, forest tree seeds fruit planting material available

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Saturday, August 3, 2013

Medicinal herbs plant,seeds for sale

Mayapple-Podophyllum hexandrum
Traditionally used by Native Americans to treat syphilis, hepatitis, fevers, and constipation. A derivative of mayapple has proven effective against certain types of cancers.
These plants are quite striking in the landscape with waxy white, fragrant, flowers. Can tolerate full sun.                                           
Min seeds  25 seeds per packet

Milk Thistle-Silybum marianum
This plant is used as a tonic for the liver. The seed of the milk thistle when chewed or ground up and eaten or tinctured can actually heal damaged liver cells and aid in regeneration. Milk thistle also protects the liver from toxins. Helpful for those suffering from Hepatitis C, and for those recovering from alcohol and drug addiction.
This plant can be invasive if allowed to disperse its seed. Be aware and harvest the seed heads before they burst. Beautiful plant with striking foliage and gnarly thorns.
Min seeds  100 seeds per packet

Solanum xanthocarpum
This plant is a tropical perennial used in Ayurvedic practice. Traditionally used as a carminative, diuretic, expectorant and fever reducer. It is also used to treat asthma. The powdered fruit is mixed with honey to make a cough syrup. Produces beautiful inch long fruits.
Min seeds  25 seeds per packet

Foxglove-Digitalis lanata
Wooly Foxglove. Originating from Southern Europe hardy Biennial has naturalized in parts of the Northeastern US. Grecian Foxglove forms a lush , green rosette the first year and the next year sends up a 2 foot flowering stalk with striking little flowers that are almost orchid –like with little purple stripes on a creamy background.
This is the foxglove that is widely used to produce the drug digitalis used to treat various ailments of the heart. The plant itself is toxic and should not be taken internally without the guidance of an experienced herbal practitioner and even then it is a very low dose Botanical. The Grecian foxglove is hardy and takes very little care or water once established. A lovely flowering Biennial which seems to thrive in full sun or partial shade, is not fussy about the soil it is in, and will self sow readily. Biennial.
Min seeds 100 seeds per pkt
Dried leaves also available

Himalayan Rhubarb
Kashmir Rhubarb, Rheum emodi or Rheum austral
Native to the Kashmir Himalayas , Bhutan and Tibet. We are pleased
to be able to offer this unique variety of medicinal rhubarb, which can be found at elevations from 8,000 to 13,000 feet. This species has huge leaves which measure up to 3 feet in width. The plant itself can reach heights of 9 feet, especially in fertile soil. Himalayan
Rhubarb prefers a full sunny location and thrives in a moist, fertile soil. Most rhubarbs
can handle heavier clay soils better than many other herbs and makes a striking addition to the spring landscape.  The root of Himalayan Rhubarb is commonly sold as a remedy for stimulating the bowels and has a mild purgative action when used in small quantities and should be used with some caution as its effect can be uncomfortable in large doses. In Ayurvedic Medicine, it is often given to children and the elderly in combination with ginger root for stomach troubles of all kinds, including
diarrhea from teething, pitta dysentery, jaundice and liver problems. It has astringent properties which tone the gut and helps remove waste while the anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial qualities help in healing an inflamed intestine. A beautiful specimen for the Ayurvedic Herb garden. The large size and hardiness, along with the huge leaves make for quite a garden centerpiece. Perennial.
Min seeds 50 seeds per packet

Horehound-Marribium vulgare
Well known as a cough remedy, infusions are also useful for weak stomach, lack of appetite and persistent bronchitis.
This herb was used to flavor the old fashioned horehound candies. Easy to grow, with pretty lighter green foliage and stalks of pale blooms. Harvest flowering plant for tea, tincture or cough syrup. Can multiply quickly if not controlled. Perennial. 
Min seeds 50 seeds per pkt
Hawthorn-Crataegus oxyacantha
A well known tonic for the heart. The berries actually improve the elasticity of arteries in the heart and can be beneficial for high blood pressure. The tea, made of the leaf, flower, and berries make a great cardio tonic or tincture for any kind of heart disease. The tree blooms in May with pinkish white blooms. The thorny little trees were often planted as hedgerows in Europe. The bright red fruits look like tiny apples, that you can harvest after the first frost.
Min seeds 50 seeds per packet

Valeriana jatmanasi
Herbaceous perennial from the the Himalayan mountains of Kashmir, Nepal and India. This rare
and endangered valerian species has a unique musky aroma resembling a cross between European valerian and patchouli. The fragrance from the roots is identical to the fragrance of the true nard or Nardostachys jatamansi and is often used as a substitute in the production of Nard oil. Kashmir Himalaya or Indian valerian has been used traditionally  for thousands of years in Ayurvedic and Unani systems of medicine.
Min. seeds 1 gram seeds per packet
Roots are also available

Origanum vulgare
Other names: Oregano, wild marjoram
Origanum vulgare has been used as a culinary and medicinal herb for thousands of years. It has a beneficial effect upon the digestive and respiratory  systems and is also used to promote menstruation. It should not be used medicinally by pregnant women though it is perfectly safe in small amounts for  culinary purposes. The leaves and flowering stems are strongly antiseptic, antispasmodic, carminative, cholagogue, diaphoretic, emmenagogue, expectorant,  stimulant, stomachic and mildly tonic. stimulates hair growth, Chronic bronchitis,The plant is taken internally in the treatment of colds, influenza, mild  feverish illnesses, indigestion, stomach upsets and painful menstruation. It is strongly sedative and should not be taken in large doses, though mild  teas have a soothing effect and aid restful sleep. It should not be prescribed for pregnant women. Externally, oregano is used to treat bronchitis,  asthma, arthritis and muscular pain. The plant can be used fresh or dried - harvest the whole plant (but not the roots) in late summer to dry and  store for winter use. Oregano is often used in the form of an essential oil that is distilled from the flowering plant. A few drops of the essential oil,  put on cotton wool and placed in the hollow of an aching tooth, frequently relieves the pain of toothache. This plant is one of the best natural antiseptics  because of its high thymol content. The essential oil is used in aromatherapy to treat the same kinds of complaints that the herb is used for.
Min. seeds 100 seeds per packet
Dried Whole plants are also available

Ginkgo-Ginkgo biloba
Beautiful deciduous tree. Medicinally, the extract of the leaves has been shown to dilate blood vessels and has the particular ability to increase peripheral blood circulation, especially to the brain. Improves memory and has been used in early stages of Alzheimers. The leaves have been used in Chinese medicine for centuries. Pretty gold fall color.
Min. seeds 50 seeds per packet
Plants/Leaves are also available

Solanum dulcamara
Other name: Bittersweet nightshade
Min. 50 seeds per packet

Solanum burbankii
Other name : Wonderberry, Sunberry  or Garden Hucklebarries
50 seeds per packet

Garlic Chives-Allium tuberosum
Used in Chinese medicine to warm the kidneys and stomach. They are also used to treat urinary incontinence, impotence, sore lower back and knees. Edible leaves are garlic flavored and tidy with pretty white blooms.Great container plant. Interplanted with roses can deter aphids
Min. seeds : 10 seeds per packet

Fennel-Foeniculum vulgare
(Wild foeniculam)
Traditional use: the chopped leaves are excellent with fish. It has been used as an antiseptic, expectorant, and carminative (relieves gas).
It has been shown to counter the effects of cramping laxatives. It’s gentle enough for babies, specifically for colic. This plant gets quite large and is very ornamental. Self seeding biennial.
Min seeds: 50 seeds per packet

Nepeta cataria
Other name: Catnip Lemon
Catnip Lemon has all the same medicinal qualities as regular catnip with a strong citrus flavor. Makes a soothing and tasty tea. Cats who are heavy catnip addicts sometimes leave this plant alone. easy to grow, quite drought tolerant and makes a large bushy specimen in the herb garden. Perennial.
Min. seeds 50 seeds per packet

Chicory-Cichorium intybus
Wild Succory, Coffee Weed, Blue Sailors, Blue Dandelion, Italian Dandelion, Wild Chicory.
This biennial is native to England and Ireland. It is a stemmy, upright plant with a height of 2-5’ and a width of 2 1/2’. The flowers are azure blue, 1-1/2” wide and close at mid-day. Blooms from July to September. Root is used as a coffee substitute. The young plant has an activity much like that of dandelion. Another bitter herb stimulating to the liver.
Min : 10 gram seeds per packet
Root/leaves are also available

Acorus calamus
Other names : Calamus Root,Beewort, Bitterroot, Calamus, Acorus.
We are pleased to be offering the Native American species of Calamus, a semi-aquatic plant whose root has been revered and utilized both  medicinally and spiritually by Native people throughout North America for thousands of year. It was said to be wild cultivated along heavily used trade routes for accessibility during travel as chewing the root was known to increase Stamina and can also prevent motion sickness.
There is more recent evidence of using Calamus root in the treatment of type2 diabetes,
diverse digestive complaints, and respiratory issues especially where the voice is compromised and as an insect repellant. Calamus requires partial to full sun and plenty of moisture with bog-like soil conditions to thrive. It has graceful Iris-like leaves and Catkin-like yellow-green flowers. Its distinctive fragrance has a spicy but sweet overtone slightly citrus-like. The roots spread quickly and the plant will spread rapidly in moist conditions resulting in a generous herbal harvest. The FDA warns against chronic use of Calamus, it is your responsibility to do extensive research and consult with an experienced herbalist before taking any herb you are not familiar with. A lovely and useful addition to the herb garden if the right conditions are available. Full to part sun and moist, fertile soils. Perennial. Hardy to zone 4
Min. seeds 50 seeds per packet
Roots are also available

Calendula-Calendula officinalis
Other name : Marigold
Native to South Central Europe,North Africa and Kasmir this worthy medicinal is cherished for its
bright orange and yellow flowers. Calendula is often grown as an ornamental cut flower and as such many selections have been developed for color and stem length. Our single petaled orange and golden yellow plants have been shown to have the highest resin content for medicinal use. Traditionally the flowers are used as a remedy for jaundice,and headaches, and the petals were considered an alternative to expensive saffron. Applied externally, calendula actually promotes the reconstruction of skin tissue and can reduce scarring from burns and abrasions. The bitter resins of the plant have shown anti-viral properties, and helped situations with lymphatic congestion.  Calendula is a favorite ingredient of infused oils used in baby salves, healing salves and skin
creams. Although it is considered an annual, Calendula will tolererate some freezing. In milder climates they will overwinter, often blooming again in late winter or early spring bringing a much needed ray of sunshine when the rest of the garden lays dormant. If your climate is colder the plants will die off in late fall but in most cases will reseed and you will have an abundance of baby plants for harvesting later in the summer.
Min. seeds 50 seeds per packet

Burdock-Arctium lappa
Other name : Gobo.
The large taproots of this plant have significant blood purifying properties. Traditionally taken internally for staph infections,  impetigo, and other skin infections. It has also been used to treat eczema, used both externally and internally. In Japan, China, and Korea Burdock or Gobo is a commonly used medicinal food the root is steamed, stir-fried and cooked into stews it also makes a tasty herbal vinegar. An excellent tonic safe for daily use. Recent medical evidence supports use for tumors. This is one of four herbs in the Essiac anti-cancer formulas. Very easy to grow likes a deep soil for best root production roots are dug in fall, dig before plant sets
Min. seeds 100 seeds per packet
Leaves are also available
Belladonna-Atropa belladonna
All parts of this plant are potentially toxic. The dry leaf contains atropine and scopolamine, which are narcotic and antispasmodic. A preparation of the root has been used to reduce swelling of tumors. Used externally can help with inflammation. Use with caution.
Min. seeds 50 seeds per packet

Ocimum sanctum-Holy Basil
Other names : Holi Basil & Tulsi
Ocimum sanctum, Sacred Basil, Pagoda Tulsi, East Indian Basil, Sacred Herb, Purple-Stalked Basil.
Grows well in light, well-drained fertile soil. Susceptible to frost. Can be cultivated as a perennial by continually removing the flowers and harvesting frequently. Requires full sunlight. This is a much valued plant of the Ayurvedic tradition.
Highly aromatic, with a volatile hint of camphor. Valued for its anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. Used in treatment of ringworm, malaria and dysentery. Annual/tender perennial.
Min. seeds 250 seeds per packet

Angelica-Angelica archangelica
An impressive plant for the herb garden Angelica is a bitter herb which aids digestion, has antimicrobial properties, increases perspiration and lowers fever. It also has an expectorant effect, is anti-inflammatory and acts mainly on the bronchial, digestive, urinary and female reproductive systems. It is best known for its candied stems. Likes plenty of moisture and prefers part shade in hotter climates. Biennial.
Min. seeds 20 seeds per packet

Alfalfa-Medicago sativa
This lush green legume, which can reach 3 feet in height with pretty lavender/blue flowers, is often grown as a cover crop and a hay crop for livestock. Its deep taproots draw minerals from the earth and Alfalfa makes an excellent  under-story planting beneath trees and shrubs. Alfalfa has been used medicinally for centuries. Native to Medea which predates Spain alfalfa was also cultivated in Persia and Europe and eventually brought to the Americas. The plant is loaded with nutrients and has been used traditionally for reviving weak and debilitated patients after long illness. Alfalfa is also known as a diuretic, promotes peristalsis, stimulates milk production and eases morning sickness. It has also been used as a remedy for gout, ulcers, and blood sugar regulation. Chinese  medicine has used Alfalfa to treat kidney stones. Many herbalists recommend it as a mineral rich blood
cleanser to be taken as a daily tonic. It has an alkalinizing effect on the bloodstream and has shown some potential  as an ally for cancer in recent studies. Historically Alfalfa was revered as an herb that brings abundance to the home and garden where it is grown. Prefers full sun and well drained, alkaline soil. Alfalfa makes a great border planting and several cuttings can be taken over the summer to dry for tea. Quite drought tolerant once established. Hardy pernnial.
Min. seeds 50 seeds per packet

Ashwagandha-Withania somnifera
This ginseng like tonic of Ayurveda has been used mainly in cases of physical and mental exhaustion. A very good strengthening tonic. Has been used in cases of sexual exhaustion, infertility, low sperm count, and impotence.  Harvest the person-shaped roots after the plant’s foliage has died back following the first frost. From the same plant family as the tomato, these plants like similar treatment: good soil, plenty of moisture and lots of hot sun.
Min. seeds 100 seeds per packet

Safflower-Carthamus tinctorius
Other names: Hong Hua, Dyers Saffron.
Cultivated in China and Tibet for medicinal use, safflower is grown all over the world in widely varying climates. The Chinese pinyin translates to Red Flower, an apt description for these flowers which retain their bright orange-red color even when dried. Also well known for its oil–rich seeds, and as a dye plant. Traditionally Chinese medicine uses safflower to invigorate the blood and aid in delayed menses, or other conditions requiring increased blood flow. Contraindicated for pregnancy and for people using blood thinners. Plants can reach 3 to 4 feet in a season in rich soil and will branch with multiple thistle like bright reddish–orange blooms in Mid-summer.
Min. seeds 5 grams per packet

Rosemary-Rosmarinus officinalis
This is one of the most fragrant herbs commonly used for headaches, indigestion and to stimulate the nervous system and increase circulation. Rosemary helps improve memory and the strong scent lifts the spirit. It also has been used as an excellent hair rinse or hair oil. For culinary use it is delicious in savory dishes. Great addition to any tea blend, no herb garden can be complete without a rosemary plant. Excellent grown in containers and prefers well drained site with full sun.
Min. seeds 50 seeds per packet
Plants are also available

Sage-Salvia officinalis

This plant has leaves that are variegated in cream, purple and green. A special variety.
Min seeds 25 seeds per packet
Plants are also available

Sage, Clary-Salvia sclarea
This sage is used extensively in perfumes as a fixative and fragrance. Clary is the scent of “Euphoria”. The flowers and  leaves used as a tea were said to improve eyesight and or clairvoyance depending on how you interpret the folklore. Harvested in the evening or early morning hours for the highest essential oil content. Large, green textured leaves and a showy stalk of purple/blue and white blooms that are incredibly beautiful, especially upon close examination, make this a treasured plant in the herb garden. Easy to grow and more tolerant of wet sites and heavy soil than most plants. Biennial.
Min seeds 250 seeds per packet
Plants are also available

Sea Buckthorn-Hippophae rhamnoides
This thorny, deciduous, nitrogen fixing shrub is native to temperate Europe and Asia. The plant can thrive in maritime or inland climates and is tolerant of a wide range of soil types. Sea buckthorn has been receiving a lot of attention for its berries which produce a nutritionally packed juice high in vitamin C, amino acids and anti- oxidants. The freshly pressed juice has been used as a tonic for exhaustion, a cold remedy and in recent studies has been touted as a cancer preventative. Externally the juice and the oil from the fruit are used in cosmetics, for various skin disorders and as a natural sun block. The medicinal oil from the fruit has been used for excema, burns, radiation injury and taken internally for intestinal problems. The plants are easy to grow and quite drought hardy once established. They can eventually reach 30 feet and make a great screen or hedge. Male and female plants are required for fruit production, 1 male for every 8 females. We offer unsexed seedling plants,
best to plant more than one. Perennial.
Min seeds 20 seeds per packet
Plants are also available

St Johnswort-Hypericum perforatum
Other name : Klamath Weed.
The brilliant red oil has been used as a deep penetrating analgesic to damaged nerves and
muscle tissue making it a great remedy for any kind of sports injury. The tincture, used over a period of time, is an effective anti-depressant. Hypericin has known anti-viral properties and is now being investigated as a possible treatment  against HIV and has also proven helpful to MS. St Johnswort is a hardy, drought tolerant plant which has naturalized throughout much of the West. Considered a noxious weed in California, I consider this herb one of the most valuable first aid remedies for the home herbalist. Grows readily in a well drained garden setting the prolific, small yellow flowers on 2’ stems. Blooms at the beginning of summer. All aerial parts of the plants are medicinal. Perennial.
Min seeds 50 seeds per packet
Plants are also available

Sweet Violet-Viola odorata
Originating from Eurasia these sweet woodland perennials are a treat to the eye in early spring. The delicate scalloped leaves  form a spreading rosette eventually creating a large mat and the deep purple blooms are a welcome sight in spring. Medicinally the leaves and flowers can be made into syrup for coughs, congestion and sore throat. Traditionally it was a remedy for whooping cough. The flowers have a wonderful scent and are a great addition to a bath or skin wash. Tea from the whole plant is a long time remedy for headaches, body aches and digestive disturbance. Recent studies support its historic use as a popular cancer remedy and the essential oil from the flowers is used in perfumery. Lovely plant for the dappled shade garden. Violets like plenty of moisture and a richsoil but can tolerate a poorer site as long as it is not in full sun. Hardy perennial.
Min. seeds 50 seeds per packet
Leaves,Roots,Flowers are also available

Valeriana officinalis
This plant is widely used to allay pain, nervous unrest, migraines and insomnia. It has an excellent sedative and anti-spasmodic action. It can have the opposite reaction in certain individuals and long term use can cause day time grogginess. The root is famous for its pungent odor, usually dug in the fall of the second year. The plant is quite majestic in the herb garden with a large mound of attractive feathery foliage sending up tall flower stalks with sweet smelling, medium sized off white/ pinkish umbels, loved by bees and other beneficial insects. Valerian truly appreciates a garden setting with ample moisture and fertility. Prefers partial shade in hot areas.
Min seeds 2 gram per packet
Roots are also available

Wormwood-Artemesia absinthium
This striking artemesia can get quite large forming a mound of silvery blue-green
foliage.and sending up 5’ stalks with small golden flowers. Traditionally a major
ingredient in absinthe, vermouth and other liqueurs. It is a strong bitter useful
for stimulating the appetite and improving digestion. One of the oldest
known remedies for worms. Not to be used long term or during pregnancy. An
other classic plant for the back border of the herb garden. Easy to grow
perennial and extremely drought tolerant. Prefers good drainage and full.
Min seeds : 5 gram seeds per packet
Whole crushed plant are also available

Digitalis purpurea-Foxglove
The Digitalis purpurea-Foxglove is a widely used herbal medicine with a recognised stimulatory effect upon the heart.  It is also used in allopathic medicine in the treatment of heart complaints. It has a profound tonic effect upon a diseased heart,  enabling the heart to beat more slowly, powerfully and regularly without requiring more oxygen.
Min seeds 1 grams per packet
Leaves are also available

Physalis Alkekengi- Chinese Lantern

Physalis Alkekengi :Chinese Lantern ( Physalis Alkekengi ) - Chinese Lantern flower seed produces an ornamental flower that has an  orange seed pod that looks like glowing orange paper lanterns. Physalis Alkekengi perennial plants have white flowers in the summer  that will be replaced by green seed pods that will eventually turn orange or red in the early fall. Chinese Lantern plants are often
grown for drying as the orange seed pods dry well and can also be used in dried floral arrangements. The Chinese Lantern plants  are known for their rhizomes which spread.Very usful to prostate troubles.
Min. seeds 50 seeds per packet

Chenopodium album- Fat Hen plant
Chenopodium album is not employed in herbal medicine, though it does have some gentle medicinal properties and is a very nutritious  and healthy addition to the diet. The Chenopodium album leaves are anthelmintic, antiphlogistic, antirheumatic, mildly laxative, odontalgic. An infusion is taken in the treatment of rheumatism. The leaves are applied as a wash or poultice to bug bites, sunstroke,  rheumatic joints and swollen feet, whilst a decoction is used for carious teeth. The seeds are chewed in the treatment of  urinary problems and are considered useful for relieving the discharge of semen through the urine. The juice of the stems is  applied to freckles and sunburn. The juice of the root is used in the treatment of bloody dysentery. Food that comprises 25.5% of the  powdered herb may suppress the oestrus cycle.
Min. seeds 100 seeds per packet
Whole crushed plant are also available

Trillium govanianum
Other names: Satva/Nagchhatri/Three leaves
Min. 100 grams roots per packet

Beta vulgaris-Rehab Kashmir,Swiss Chard
The Rehab beet (Beta vulgaris) is a plant in the Chenopodiaceae family which is now included in Amaranthaceae family. It is best known in its numerous cultivated varieties, the most well known of which is the root vegetable known as the beetroot or garden beet. However, other cultivated varieties include the leaf vegetable chard, as well as the root  vegetable sugar beet, which is important in the production of table sugar, and mangelwurzel, which is a fodder crop.  Three subspecies are typically recognised. All cultivated varieties fall into the subspecies Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris,  while Beta vulgaris subsp. maritima, commonly known as the sea beet, is the wild ancestor of these, and is found throughout  the Mediterranean, the Atlantic coast of Europe, the Near East, and Kashmir. A second wild subspecies, Beta vulgaris subsp. adanensis, occurs from Greece to Syria.
Min. seeds 100 seeds per packet

Carum carvi
Carum carvi-Carawayhas a long history of use as a household remedy especially in the treatment ofdigestive complaints where  its antispasmodic action soothes the digestive tract and its carminative action relieves bloating caused by wind and improves  the appetite. It is often added to laxative medicines to prevent griping. The seed is antiseptic, antispasmodic, aromatic, carminative, digestive, emmenagogue, expectorant, galactogogue and stimulant. It can be chewed raw for the almost immediate  relief of indigestion and can also be made into infusions. The seed is also used in the treatment of bronchitis and are an  ingredient of cough remedies, especially useful for children. The seed is also said to increase the production of breast milk in nursing mothers. The seed is harvested when fully ripe, then dried and stored in a cool, dry place out of the sunlight. The essential oil can be extracted from the seed and has similar properties. A tea made from the seedsis a pleasant stomachic
and carminative, it has beenused to treat flatulent colic. The seed is used in Tibetan medicine where it is considered to  have an acrid taste and a heating potency. It is used to treat failing vision and loss of appetite.
Min. seeds 50 seeds per packet

Trillium govanianum-Three leaves
Trillium govanianum is 20 cm, tall bulbous herb, leaves 3, broad ovate, flower solitaryterminal and brownish purple.
Fruit bright red. Also named as Trillium govaniana.
Min. 100 Roots grams per packet

Phytolacca acinosa-Poke plant
Perenial shrubby herb. Stem branched, dark green, fistular or solid, succulent. Leaves oblanceolate, entire, narrowed to  short stalk. Flower clusters upto 15 cm, perianth segments 5, stamens 8-10. Fruit with 10-15  fleshy dark purple carpels. The root is antiasthmatic, antibacterial, antidote, antifungal, antitussive, diuretic, expectorant, laxative and vermifuge.  The plant has an interesting chemistry and it is currently (1995) being investigated as a potential anti-AIDS drug. It contains potent anti-inflammatory agents, antiviral proteins and substances that affect cell division. These compounds
are toxic to many disease-causing organisms, including the water snails that cause schistosomiasis. The root is used internally  in the treatment of urinary disorders, nephritis, oedema and abdominal distension. Externally, it is used to treat boils, carbuncles and sores. The roots are harvested in the autumn and dried for later use. All parts of the plant are toxic, this remedy should be used with caution and preferably under the supervision of a qualified practitioner.
Min. seeds 50 seeds per packet

Asparagus officinalis-Wild aspaagus
Young shoots - raw or cooked. Considered a gourmet food, the shoots are harvested in the spring. We find them very acceptable  raw in salads, with a hint of onion in their flavour. They are normally boiled or steamed and used as a vegetable. Male plants  produce the best shoots. Do not over-harvest the plant because this would weaken it in the following year. The shoots are a good source of protein and dietary fibre. Roasted seeds are a coffee substitute.Both the roots and the shoots can be used medicinally, they have a restorative and cleansing effect on the bowels, kidneys and liver. The plant is antispasmodic, aperient, cardiac, demulcent, diaphoretic, diuretic, sedative and tonic. The freshly expressed juice is used. The root is diaphoretic, strongly diuretic and laxative. An infusion is used in the treatment of jaundice and congestive torpor of the liver. The strongly diuretic action of the roots make it useful in the treatment of a variety of urinary problems including cystitis.
It is also used in the treatment of cancer. The roots are said to be able to lower blood pressure. Theroots are harvested in late spring, after the shoots have been cut as a food crop, and are dried for later use. The seeds possess antibiotic activity. Another report says that the plant contains asparagusic acid which is nematocidal and is used in the treatment of schistosomiasis.
Min seeds 50 seeds per packet

Althaea officinalis Linn-Kashmir Mallow
The herb, not the white puffy confection roasted over a campfire—has been used for centuries as both a food and a medicine.  It is alterative, antacid, antiinflammatory, antispasmodic, antitussive, aphrodisiac, demulcent, diuretic, emollient, expectorant, galactagogue, immune tonic, laxative, nutritive, rejuvenative and soothing. Althaea comes from the Latin ‘altho’ meaning ‘to heal’. Marshmallow’s demulcent qualities bring relief to bronchial asthma, sore throat, bronchial catarrh, pleurisy and when there is dry cough.  Also useful in intestinal disorders like colitis, diverticulitis and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). It is also used for irritation of  the oral and pharyngeal mucosa and mild inflammation of the gastric mucosa. It also stimulates the immune system and production of white blood cells. It is a natural source of beta-carotene, amino acids, minerals and vitamins. Soothes infection and irritation from kidney and bladder stones.
Min seeds 50 seeds per packet
Roots are also available

Lavatera cashmeriana-Kashmir Mallow tree
A known medicinal herb used in many Unani medicinal preparations. It is supposed to be used in throat problems. The herb is given as a mild laxative. The roots are collected in large quantities and sold as crude drug in market.
Lavatera cashmeriana seed
Min seeds 50 seeds/pkt

Abutilon indicum-Indian Mallow, Country Mallow
Mucilage of the leaves and flowers made into infusion is effective against chest affections particularly haemoptysis, as demulcent and sedative to stop diarrhoea, to bring irresistable diuresis in gonorrhoea, urethritis or gleet and to  alleviate micturition the effect of infusion is substantiated by the presence of powdered Carum carviLinn. (Zira-Siyah).  Leaves decoction is used as eye wash and mouth wash in toothache, for tender gums and upper respiratory tract disorders administered as gargles. Leaves infusion with some bruised black peppers proves useful in flatulent dyspepsia and bloody piles. Decoction as fomentation also relieves pain when applied under bandage, reduces congestion and cough when given internally. Seeds are useful in decoction in piles, gonorrhoea, gleet and cystitis. Finely powdered drug when given orally act as expectorant and laxative. Root infusion relieves strangury and haematuria and used for recommended duration proves useful  against chronic skin disorders e.g. leprosy. Infusion of leaves and flowers brings diuresis, thus get rid of urinary obstructions (may act as lithontriptic) and act as urinary antiseptic.
Min seeds 100 seeds per pkt
Leaves are also available

Muskdana-Abelmoschus moschatus
Other name: Musk Mallow
Musk Mallow: An emulsion made from the seed is antispasmodic and is especially effective in the digestive system.  The seeds are also chewed as a nervine, stomachic and to sweeten the breath. They are also said to be aphrodisiac. The seeds are valued medicinally for their diuretic, demulcent and stomachic properties. They are also said to be stimulant,  antiseptic, cooling, tonic, carminative and aphrodisiac. A paste of the bark is applied to cuts, wounds and sprains.  The essential oil is used in aromatherapy for the treatment of depression and anxiety. It is also applied externally  to treat cramp, poor circulation and aching joints.
Min seeds. 100 seeds per pkt

Achiote -Bixa orellana
Bixa orellana or Annatto is well known for its seeds which are used as a spice and food coloring,
often in the world famous Jamaican beef patties. It is a small tree which bears pink, white, or purple-tinted flowers. The name Bixa orellana is derived from Francisco de Orellana, a 16th century Spanish explorer.
Min. seeds 100 seeds per packet

Aconitum heterophyllum
Other names: Patris, Atees, Atish
Aconitum heterophyllum-Atis:The dried root is analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiperiodic, aphrodisiac, astringent, cholagogue, febrifuge and tonic. It is used in Kashmir in the treatment of dyspepsia, diarrhoea and coughs.  It is also used in also Tibetan medicine, where it is said to have a bitter taste and a cooling potency. It is used to treat poisoning from scorpion or snake bites, the feversof contagious diseases and inflammation of the intestines. The root is best harvested in the autumn as soon as the plant dies down and is dried for later use. This is a very poisonous plant and should only be used with extreme caution and under the supervision of a qualified practitioner.
Min. Roots 100 grams per pkt

Belladonna-Atropa acuminata
Belladona is a native of Gilgat (Azad Kashmir). It grows wild/ground in the Kashmir to Gilgat.
It is cultivated in Pakistan,Kashmir, IRAN,, Italy, India, USA, Europe, it is sparingly cultivated in Gilgat, Muzaffarabad. (Azad Kashmir. A. BELLADONA introduced in Kashmir and Gilgat by Europeans which has crossed with Himalayan.
Min seeds 100 seeds per packet
Leaves are also available

Angelica-Angelica glauca
Angelica has a long folk-history of use as a medicinal herb, in particular for the treatment of digestive disorders and problems with blood circulation. The root is the most active medicinally, it should be harvested in the autumn of its first year of growth,  sliced longitudinally if necessary and dried quickly. If well stored, the root retains its medicinal virtues for many years. The leaves and seeds can also be used. The leaves are harvested and dried in late spring before the plant comes into flower.
The plant is antispasmodic, carminative, diaphoretic, diuretic, expectorant, stimulant, stomachic, tonic. An infusion is used to  ease flatulence, indigestion, chronic bronchitis and typhus. It stimulates blood flow to the peripheral parts of the body and so is of value in treating poor circulation - it is considered a specific treatment for Buerger's disease, a condition that narrows the arteries of the hands and feet. Angelica is contra-indicated for people with a tendency towards diabetes since its use can  increase sugar levels in the urine. This plant should not be prescribed for pregnant women, nor should the juice be allowed to come into contact with the eyes. An essential oil from the seeds is sometimes used as a rub to relieve rheumatic conditions.
Min seeds .50 seeds per packet
Roots are also available

Capsella bursa-pastoris
Other names: Blind Weed, Caseweed, Cocowort, Lady's Purse, Mother's-Heart, Pepper-And-Salt, Pick-Pocket, Shepherd's Heart,  Shepherd's Scrip, Shepherd's Sprout, Shovelweed, St. James' Weed.
Capsella bursa-pastoris is little used in herbalism, though it is a commonly used domestic remedy, being especially efficacious in the treatment of both internal and external bleeding, diarrhoea etc. A tea made from the whole plant is antiscorbutic, astringent, diuretic, emmenagogue, haemostatic, hypotensive, oxytocic, stimulant, vasoconstrictor, vasodilatorand vulnerary. A tea made from the
dried herb is considered to be a sovereign remedy against haemorrhages of all kinds - the stomach, the lungs, the uterus and more especially the kidneys. The plant can be used fresh or dried, for drying it is harvested in the summer. The dried herb quickly loses its effectiveness and should not be stored for more than a year. Clinical trials on the effectiveness of this plant as a  wound herb have been inconclusive. It appears that either it varies considerably in its effectiveness from batch to batch, or
perhaps a white fungus that is often found on the plant contains the medically active properties. The plant has been ranked 7th  amongst 250 potential anti-fertility plants in China. It has proven uterine-contracting properties and is traditionally used during childbirth. The plant is a folk remedy for cancer - it contains fumaric acid which has markedly reduced growth and viability of Ehrlich tumour in mice. A homeopathic remedy is made from the fresh plant. It is used in the treatment of nose bleeds and urinary calculus.
Min seeds 250 seeds per pkt
Whole dried plant are also available

Avena sativa-Wild oat
Whilst used mainly as a food, wild oat grain does also have medicinal properties. In particular Wild Oats are a nutritious food that  gently restores vigour after debilitating illnesses, helps lower cholesterol levels in the blood and also increases stamina. The seed  is a mealy nutritive herb that is antispasmodic, cardiac, diuretic, emollient, nervine and stimulant. The seed contains the antitumor
compound b-sitosterol and has been used as a folk remedy for tumours. A gruel made from the ground seed is used as a mild nutritious  aliment in inflammatory cases, fevers and after parturition. It should be avoided in cases of dyspepsia accompanied with acidity of  the stomach. A tincture of the ground seed in alcohol is useful as a nervine and uterine tonic. A decoction strained into a bath
will help to soothe itchiness and eczema. A poultice made from the ground seeds is used in the treatment of eczema and dry skin.  When consumed regularly, oat germ reduces blood cholesterol levels. Oat straw and the grain are prescribed to treat general debility and a wide range of nervous conditions. They are of particular value in helping a person to cope with the exhaustion that results
from multiple sclerosis, chronic neurological pain and insomnia.  Wild Oats are thought to stimulate sufficient nervous energy to help relieve insomnia. An alcoholic extraction of Wild Oats has been reported to be a deterrent for smoking, though reports  that oat extract helped correct the tobacco habit have been disproven. A tincture of the plant has been used as a nerve stimulant and to treat opium addiction.

The oat straw plant is an annual grass. It stands erect with a flat, rough, but elongated leaf. It has a golden seed shaped much like a  spindle. It is in flower during June and July. The seeds ripen from August to October. The flowers have both male and female organs, and are pollinated by the wind.
Min. seeds 100 seeds per packet
Hyoscyamus Niger-Henbane Seeds
Henbane is an annual to biennial with distinguishing hairy, toothed leaves and greenish to yellowish flowers with dark purple veins  that almost appear black.  Originally from Eurasia, it is now found throughout the world and is most commonly grown as an ornamental or  landscaping plant.  Henbane, like several other nightshades, has a long history of use as a medicinal and a poison, and it is still grown  commercially for medicinal use in some parts of the world.  Like its cousins, belladonna and datura, henbane was a common ingredient in witches’ brews.  Containing the toxic alkaloids hyoscyamine and scopolamine, henbane was used as a poison at least since the Middle Ages.  This type of poisoning, which can take place even after ingesting a small amount of plant or seed matter, can have symptoms such as increased  salivation, headache, nausea, convulsions, hallucinations, stupor, coma and death.   Ironically, henbane was once used as a flavoring in German pilsner beers until the German government stepped in and banned it as an ingredient.  Henbane use has also been documented  in a variety of other cultures including the Arabs, Ancient Greeks and in Tibetan medicine.  It was also used as an admixture to the  hallucinogenic brews of certain South American Indians.  As a medicinal, it has mild pain relieving abilities, antispasmodic activity and causes pupil dilation.  Based on such actions, it has been reportedly used for a list of conditions including toothaches, epilepsy, cough, asthma, and Parkinson’s Disease.  One source also reports that placing the dried leaves around a house will help drive away mice.
Min seeds 250 seeds per packet

Conium maculatum- Hamlook
Conium maculatum is a very poisonous plant that has a long history of medicinal use, though it is relieves pain. The plant contains  coniine, an extremely toxic substance that can also cause congenital defects. The whole plant is analgesic, antispasmodic, emetic, galactofuge and sedative. It is a traditional folk treatment for cancer and was formerly widely used internally in very small doses to treat a variety of complaints including tumours, epilepsy, whooping cough, rabies and as an antidote to strychnine poisoning.  It is still used externally, usually in ointments and oils, in the treatment of mastitis, malignant tumours (especially breast cancer)  anal fissure and haemorrhoids. The leaves and stems should be harvested when the first fruits are forming, since they are then at theirmost active medicinally. The fruits are gathered either when fully ripe, or before they turn from green to yellow, and are then dried. Because of the extremely toxic nature of this herb, it is seldom employed nowadays. Use with extreme caution and only under the guidance of a qualified practitioner. See also the notes above on toxicity. A homeopathic remedy is prepared from a tincture of the  fresh plant, harvested when in flower. It is used for treating complaints such as dizziness, coughs, insomnia, exhaustion, arteriosclerosis  and prostate problems. very rarely used in modern herbalism.
Min seeds 100 seeds per pkt
Whole dried plant are also available

Jurinea dolomiaea-Dhoop
Other name: -Jhari-Dhoop
The roots are considered to be stimulant and given in case of fever after the childbirth. Decocti
on of the roots is given in colic. Bruised roots are applied to eruptions. Aromatic oil from the roots is applied over the affected part in gout and rheumatism. Locally it is known as dhoop or Gugul and its tuberous roots are valued for incense in temples, monastries, houses and religious ceremonies.
Min seeds 10 seeds per pkt
Dried roots are also available

Pyrethrum-Chrysanthemum cinerarifolium
Aromatic perennial, leaves dissected into liner segments. Flowers white, 2-5cm.across.Pyrethrum refers to several Old World plants of the  genus Chrysanthemum (e.g., C. coccineum) which are cultivated as ornamentals for their showy flower heads. Pyrethrum is also the name of  a natural insecticide made from the dried flower heads of Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium and Chrysanthemum coccineum.
Min seeds 100 seeds per pkt
Whole plant alos available

Lycium Barbarum-Goji berry
Himalayan Goji berry juice is made from the Lycium Barbarum species of the Goji berry. This particular species is said to be sweeter in taste than other species. It grows in this mountainous region and that is why the juice is known by the name, Himalayan Kashmir Goji berry
juice.Growing Goji Berris.
Min seeds 100 seeds per pkt
Dried beries 100 grams per pkt

More details:-
Th JK Mediicnal Plants Itroductio Centre
POB: 667 GPO Srinagar SGR JK 190001
Ph: 09858986794/01933-223705