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Friday, April 10, 2020

Natural and Organic Hair Growth Treatment

Medicinal herbs are very beneficial to use in treating scalp issues, growing healthier longer hair, and in certain cases re-growing hair that has been lost from poor hair braiding installations and chemical relaxer's. Herbal infusions, tintures and spritzes may be taken internally by making herbal teas and drinking them or tinctures to use topically on skin. Herbal spritzes are also very beneficial and can be used for natural body fragrancing and hair revitalizing. I've been using them often lately and really love the results. Similar to oil mixing, herbal hair and skin care is great since it provides us with the ability customize our hair care especially to address our individual needs. Adding dried herbs to your favorite carrier oil in a glass jar that seals air tight for 2-6 weeks is a really great and inexpensive way to make your favorite oil even more therapeutic.

1. Arctium Lappa-Great Burdock Roots (60 grams)
Burdock root is commonly used to improve hair growth, stop hair fall, while adding sheen, and strength to the hair. It can be used as a final rinse in place of conditioner. When Burdock root is infused with hot distilled water it releases the Burdock root mucilage (slippery plant proteins) & oils which helps to promote effective recovery of scalp irritation, supplying nutritional support to the hair follicles and sebaceous glands thus it promotes natural hair growth. Burdock root is great for correcting excessivly oily hair as well. It treats skin issues like seborrhea, acne and eczema. Infusing Burdock root in oil or mixing with hot water and allowing it to steep are great ways to apply this beneficial herb into your hair care regimen.

2. Taraxacum officinale-Dandelion Root (60 grams)
Dandelion Root is especially beneficial in treating those who suffer from hair loss. Highly rich in iron, this root will treat dandruff, seborrhea, and correct dry hair issues. It is very useful in treating black eyes, skin spots and discolorations as well. The leaves are loaded with potassium, gluten, magnesium, niacin, calcium, phosphorus, proteins, resin, iron, sulphur, zinc, vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, C and E. The leaves are a richer source of vitamin A than carrots! (Vitamin A: it is an antioxidant that aids in the making of healthy sebum in the scalp.)

Buy Natural herbs 
Jammu and Kashmir Medicinal Plants Introduction Centre
POB: 667 GPO Srinagar SGR J&K 190001
(Mob) : 09858986794, 09419966983
Ph: 01933-223705
.......... httsp:// 

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Organic Herbal seeds Kashmir

Organic fruit seeds Kashmir
Natural seeds, Flower seeds, Fruit seeds, Vegetable seeds, Herb seeds, Grass seeds, Shrub seeds,  Fruit plant seeds, Vine seeds, Flower Seeds, heritage seeds, heirloom seeds Kashmir, heirloom seeds india, Seed Collections, New seeds, Himalayan wild flowersBotanical herbs, Open-pollinated seeds, Organic seeds etc. 

For more details:
Jammu and Kashmir Medicinal Plants Introduction Centre
POB: 667 GPO Srinagar SGR J&K 190001
(Mob) : 09858986794, 09419966983
Ph: 01933-223705
.......... httsp:// 

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Banafasha flower seeds

Bot. name: Viola odorata
Family: Violaceae (Violet Family)
Kashmiri names: Banafasha/Gul-e-Banafasha (Banafasha flowers)
Sweet Violet plant seeds

Sweet violet has a long and proven history of folk use, especially in the treatment of cancer and whooping cough. It also contains salicylic acid, which is used to make aspirin. It is therefore effective in the treatment of headaches, migraine and insomnia. The whole plant is anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, diuretic, emollient, expectorant, and laxative. It is taken internally in the treatment of bronchitis, respiratory catarrh, coughs, asthma, and cancer of the breastlungs or digestive tract. Externally, it is used to treat mouth and throat infections.

The plant can either be used fresh, or harvested when it comes into flower and then be dried for later use. The flowers are demulcent and emollient. They are used in the treatment of biliousness and lung troubles. The petals are made into a syrup and used in the treatment of infantile disorders. The roots is a much stronger expectorant than other parts of the plant but they also contain the alkaloid violine which at higher doses is strongly emetic and purgative. They are gathered in the autumn and dried for later use.

The seeds are diuretic and purgative. They have been used in the treatment of urinary complaints are considered to be a good remedy for gravel. A homeopathic remedy is made from the whole fresh plant. It is considered useful in the treatment of spasmodic coughs and rheumatism of the wrist. An essential oil from the flowers is used in aromatherapy in the treatment of bronchial complaints, exhaustion and skin complaints.

Availability of Viola odorata plant, Seed, Runner,Leaf

More info:
Mail us :
Mob: 09858986794
Ph: 01933-223705
Jammu and Kashmir Medicinal Plants Introduction Centre
POB 667 GPO Srinagar SGR J&K 190001

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Conium maculatum-Hemlock sale in India

Conium maculatum
Conium maculatum-Hemlock is a very poisonous plant that has a long history of medicinal use, though it is very rarely used in modern herbalism. It is a narcotic plant that sedates and relieves pain. The plant contains coniine, an extremely toxic substance that can also cause congenital defects. The whole plant is analgesic, antispasmodic, emetic, galactofuge and sedative. It is a traditional folk treatment for cancer and was formerly widely used internally in very small doses to treat a variety of complaints including tumors, epilepsy, whooping cough, rabies and as an antidote to strychnine poisoning. 

It is still used externally, usually in ointments and oils, in the treatment of mastitis, malignant tumors (especially breast cancer) anal fissure and haemorrhoids. The leaves and stems should be harvested when the first fruits are forming, since they are then at their most active medicinally. The fruits are gathered either when fully ripe, or before they turn from green to yellow, and are then dried. Because of the extremely toxic nature of this herb, it is seldom employed nowadays. Use with extreme caution and only under the guidance of a qualified practitioner. See also the notes above on toxicity.

A homeopathic remedy is prepared from a tincture of the fresh plant, harvested when in flower. It is used for treating complaints such as dizziness, coughs, insomnia, exhaustion, arteriosclerosis and prostate problems.

Availability of Conium maculatum-Hemlock seed/plant/whole plant
Ph: 09858986794/01933-223705
Jammu and Kashmir Medicinal Plants Introduction Centre
POB 667 GPO Srinagar SGR JK 190001

Friday, April 3, 2020

Salvia sclarea (Clary Sage) from Kashmir

Clary Sage
Salvia sclarea (Clary Sage) is a herb commonly used as an aromatic. Belonging to the Mint family of plants, the 'relaxing' effects of the aromas may be related to preliminary evidence suggesting anti-depressant effects. It is also regarded as a tonic, calming herb that helps relieve period pain and pre-menstrual problems. Owing to its oestrogen-stimulating action, it is most effective when levels of this hormone are low.

The whole plant, and especially the leaves, is antispasmodic, appetizer, aromatic, astringent, balsamic, carminative, pectoral and tonic. It is useful in treating disorders of the stomach and kidneys and is a valuable remedy for complaints associated with the menopause, particularly hot flushing. It should not be prescribed for pregnant women. The leaves can be used fresh or dried, for drying they are harvested before the plant comes into flower. The seed forms a thick mucilage when it is soaked for a few minutes in water. This is efficacious in removing small particles of dust from the eyes. The essential oil is used in aromatherapy.

Availability Clary Sage whole herb/seed/oil

Jammu and Kashmir Medicinal Plants Introduction Centre
POB 667 GPO Srinagar SGR J&K 190001
Mob: 09858986794
Landline : 01933-223705

clary sage seeds,sage oil,clary wort,clary sage smell,clary sage vs sage,clary sage in hindi,
sage oil benefits

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Grow Echinacea Purpurea for profit

Echinacea tea 
Echinacea is an medicinal  herb that is native to areas east of the mountains in the United States. It is also grown in Iran, Afghanistan, Turkey,India, Pakistan, Kashmir, as well as in Canada and Europe. Several species of the echinacea plant are used to make medicine from its leaves, flower, and root. Echinacea was used in traditional herbal remedies by the Great Plains himalayan tribes. People are becoming interested in echinacea again because some antibiotics don't work as well as they used to against certain bacteria.

Echinacea is most commonly used for the common cold and other infections. Commercially available echinacea products come in many forms including tablets, juice, and tea.

Echinacea seems to activate chemicals in the body that decrease inflammation, which might reduce cold and flu symptoms.

Flu (influenza). Early research shows that taking an echinacea product daily for 15 days might improve the response to the flu vaccine in people with breathing problems such as bronchitis or asthma. It is unknown if echinacea has any benefit in people who are not vaccinated. Some research shows that drinking a product containing echinacea and elderberry five times a day for 3 days then three times a day for 7 days might help improve flu symptoms similar to the prescription medication, oseltamivir (Tamiflu).

Availability of Planting/seed material
The Jammu and Kashmir Medicinal Plants Introduction Centre
POB 667 GPO Srinagar SGR J&K 19001
Contact : 09858986794
Landline Ph: 01933-223705
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Monday, March 30, 2020

Sumac seeds in India

The  Sumac ( Rhus typhina , synonym: R. hirta ) is a deciduous shrub to small tree in the
Sumac trees from Kashmir
Anacardiaceae or Cashew family, native to eastern North America . It is primarily found in Southeastern Canada, the Northeastern and Midwestern United States, Southern Ontario , and the Kashmir Mountains.

Availability of Sumac seed/tree/saplings .
Mail :
Ph: 09858986794/01933-223705
Write us at : JK Medicinal Plants Introduction Centre
POB: 667 GPO Srinagar SGR JK 190001

rhus coriaria, rhus typhina seeds kashmir, sumac spice seeds, sumac berries

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Antiviral herbs

Sage-Salvia officinalis
The antiviral properties of sage are mostly attributed to compounds called safficinolide and sage one, which are found in the leaves and stem of the plant.

Purple Echinacea-Echinacea purpurea
The herb Echinacea (Echinacea purpurea) is supportive of the immune system and has a direct anti-viral action against colds and viral bronchitis. Preparations that include both the roots and the flowering tops are the most effective at helping the body resist the viruses.

Olive-Olea europea
The leaves of Olive trees (Olea europea) contain a substances called elenoic acid and calcium elonate has been identified as a powerful inhibitor of a wide range of viruses in laboratory tests., including influenza, herpes, polio and coxsackie viruses. These substances block the production of enzymes that allow viruses to replicate.

St John’s Wort -Hypericum perforatum
St John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum) is ore well-known for its ability to treat depression and neuralgia but it also has potent antiviral chemicals called hypercin and pseudohypericin that proactively fight off viruses that thrive by imitating existing cells through “cloaking”. These viruses that masquerade as human cells include Herpes, HIV and Hepatitis C.

Liquorice-Glycyrrhiza glabra
Liquorice contains a substance called glycyrrhizin that reduces the replication of viruses and halts their ability to penetrate replicate inside healthy cells. It has been noted to be effective in the treatment of many viral illnesses including HIV strains and viral hepatitis.

Garlic-Allium sativum
Garlic has been prized for its medicinal properties for thousands of years. The compounds allicin and alliion are responsible for this common plant’s reputation as a triple threat. Garlic is anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal and it is especially effective against viruses if chewed raw.

Elderberry-Sambucus nigra
The common black elderberry (Sambucus nigra) has long been used to reduce the length and severity of flu symptoms and studies. Taking 60 ml a day for adults and 30 ml for children helps to facilitate a complete recovery, often in three days. Elderberry extract binds to the tiny spikes on a virus protein that are used to pierce and invade healthy cells and destroys them so that the virus is ineffective. Elderberry may also be effective against the herpes simplex virus and some HIV strains.

Availability of Herbs

Jammu and Kashmir Medicinal Plants Introduction Centre
POB 667 GPO Srinagar SGR J&K 190001
Ph: 09858986794/01933-223705
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Himalayan wild tomato seeds

Wild tomato seeds
Wild tomato-Solanum sisymbriifolium : These wild tomato have strong disease and blight resistance. Expect an abundant full season harvest, tomato cages work very well. Flavour is beyond compare.

Min seeds : 25 seeds per packet
Seeds are natural.Open-pollinated.Organic from Kashmir Himalaya

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Hot Kashmiri-one of the world’s hottest variety!

Kashmir Hot Pepper
Availability of  Kashmiri chilli  seeds
Pricing : 150 US$ per pkt
(approx.): 250  seeds per pkt
Fright : 20 US$ additional

Jammu and Kashmir Medicinal Plants Introduction Centre
Srinagar GPO SGR POB 667 190 001
Mob: 09858986794
Landline: 01933-223705
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Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Ginkgo biloba trees from Kashmir

Make more money with the trees you know and love

A tree that will be large and showy at maturity
An easy-care tree with no serious pest or disease problems
A tree with outstanding fall color
Something for a large, open area
A tree with unusual leaves

Few trees can boast the rich history of Ginkgo biloba. Customers are probably very familiar with ginkgo as an herbal supplement to treat circulatory disorders and enhance memory. But the tree—one of the oldest living species on Earth—is also prized as an ornamental. It makes an ideal shade, specimen or focal-point tree. Ginkgo is urban-tolerant, and can grow to a massive 80-feet tall and 60-feet wide given adequate space. It’s generally hardy in USDA Hardiness Zones 3-8. Besides its leaves, which flutter in the slightest breeze—ginkgo also has attractive brownish-gray bark that becomes highly ridged with age.

Availability of Ginkgo planting material
More details: htttp://
Mpb: 09858986794/09419966983
Ph : 01933-223705

Astragalus membranaceus seeds from Kashmir

Astragalus membranaceus seeds
It is commonly found all along the temperate Himalayas from Kashmir to Nepal at heights of 1000-2700 m.

Availability :
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Mob: 09858986794/01933-223705 More info:

Fruit berries from Kashmir

Physalis peruviana, a plant species of the genus Physalis, is originally from Peru. The plant and its
fruit are most commonly known as Cape gooseberry, or Physalis.
Physalis peruviana seeds availability
Pricing : 60US$ : Seeds per pkt. (approx.): 300 seeds.
Fright : 20US$ additional
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Sunday, March 22, 2020

Angelica roots

Angelica from Kashmir
Bot. name: Angelica archangelica
Synonyms: Archangelica officinalis
Family: Umbelliferae

Angelica has a long folk-history of use as a medicinal herb, in particular for the treatment of digestive disorders and problems with blood circulation. The root is the most active medicinally, it should be harvested in the autumn of its first year of growth, sliced longitudinally if necessary and dried quickly. If well stored, the root retains its medicinal virtues for many years. 

The leaves and seeds can also be used. The leaves are harvested and dried in late spring before the plant comes into flower. The plant is antispasmodic, carminative, diaphoretic, diuretic, expectorant, stimulant, stomachic, tonic. 

An infusion is used to ease flatulence, indigestion, chronic bronchitis and typhus. It stimulates blood flow to the peripheral parts of the body and so is of value in treating poor circulation - it is considered a specific treatment for Buerger's disease, a condition that narrows the arteries of the hands and feet. 

Angelica is contra-indicated for people with a tendency towards diabetes since its use can increase sugar levels in the urine. This plant should not be prescribed for pregnant women, nor should the juice be allowed to come into contact with the eyes. An essential oil from the seeds is sometimes used as a rub to relieve rheumatic conditions.

Availabilit : Angelica seed/whole plant/root
Mail us:
Ph: 09858986794/01933-223705

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Mullein tea from kashmir

Mullein tea
Mullein Herb

Bot. name : Verbascum densiflorum
Synonyms: Verbascum thapsiforme
Family: Scrophulariaceae (Figwort Family)

Details : The flowers and leaves are anodyne, antiseptic, astringent, demulcent, emollient, expectorant and vulnerary. An infusion is used internally in the treatment of various respiratory complaints including coughs, bronchitis, asthma and throat irritations. An infusion of the fresh or dried flowers in olive oil is used to treat earaches, sores, wounds, boils etc. The plant is harvested when in flower and should be dried quickly and with care or it will lose its medicinal qualities.

How to use : Mullein can be found in dried, powdered, tea, tincture and oil formulations.

You can make your own mullein tea at home by combining 1 cup of boiling water with 1–2 teaspoons of dried leaves or flowers and letting the mixture steep for ten to 15 minutes. This tea should be consumed one to four times per day for medicinal reasons.

Buy Mullein
Aavailability : 60 bags (tea pouches) 30 days  supply
Pricing: INR : 3500.00
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Ph: 09858986794/01933-223705

Friday, March 20, 2020

Blueberry farming in India

Blue berry farming from Kashmir
In India, hashtagBlueberry Farming is very limited and there is a huge future potential for commercial blueberry farming due to its excellent health benefits. hashtagBBlueberries have successfully started growing in India with correct cultivation practices. For sure, Blueberry farming will have a bright future in India. hashtagBlue berry farming in Kashmir, hashtagblueberry farm in in India

Availability of Blue berry fruit plant

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Ph: 09858986794/01933-223705
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Kashmir willow trees

Willows, also called sallows and osiers, form the genus Salix, around 400 species of deciduous trees and shrubs, found primarily on moist soils in cold and temperate regions of the Kashmir Himalaya.

A top-grade Kashmir Willow bat is better than a low-grade English Willow bat. Since both willows are obtained from the same tree, there is not much of a difference in terms of durability of an English willow bat and a Kashmir Willow bat. The probability of breaking/not breaking is equal for both kinds of willows.

Buy Willow tree/saplings/bark
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Benefits of Dandelion roots

Dandelion tea
In traditional Chinese and Native American medicine, 
dandelion root has long been used to treat stomach 
and liver conditions. Herbalists today believe that it 
can aid in the treatment of many ailments, 
including acne, eczema, high cholesterol, 
heartburn, gastrointestinal disorders, 
diabetes, and even cancer.

By Dandelin root/seed
mail us at :
Ph: 09858986794/01933-223705
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Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Lycium barbarum Kashmir

Goji trees in Kashmir

(Lycium barbarum) Chinese native also known as
Wolfberry. The red fruit is sweet and packed full of
antioxidants and other nutrients--rightly called a
“superfood!” This relative of peppers and tomatoes is
hardy to 15 degrees F, prefers full sun and somewhat
dry, well-drained soil. Plants reach to 6 feet tall and look
stunning with their silvery, laurel-like foliage and small
flowers like purple stars. Goji Berry should fruit starting
in the second year after planting. 

Availability : Goji berry fruit/Seed/Tree
mail us
Ph: 09858986794/01933-223705
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echinacea purpurea benefits

purple coneflower
Echinacea is a plant whose roots and leaves have been 
traditionally used for medicinal purposes. ...
It fights the flu. ...
It helps control blood sugar. ...
Aids healthy cell growth. ...
Potentially reduces risk of breast cancer. ...
Helps manage anxiety. ...
Lowers blood pressure. ...
Reduces inflammation.

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Plant/tea/seeds (Availability)
mail us
Ph: 09858986794/01933-223705