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Friday, April 20, 2018

Paeonia emodi seeds

Paeonia emodi, is a robust herbaceous plant that winters with buds underground (as so-called hemicryptophyte), has large white flowers and large deeply incised leaves, belonging to the peonies. Its local vernacular names include mamekhor or mamekh (Punjabi), ood-e-saleeb (Urdu) meaning "with-a-cross", عودِثلعب (Hindi), mid (in Kashmir) and 多花芍药 (duo hua shao yao) meaning "multi-flower peony" (Chinese). In English it is sometimes called Himalayan peony.It is among the tallest of the herbaceous peony species, and, while cold-hardy, it grows better in warm temperate climates. It is a parent of the popular  "White Innocence", which reaches 1½ m.

Availabiliy of Planting material( seed/seedlings
More details: Jammu and Kashmir Medicinal Plants Introduction Centre-JKMPIC                               
home page: ,
Mob: 09858986794, 9419966983
Ph: 01933-223705

Impatiens glandulifera
Aquilegia fragrans
Anemone obtusiloba
Androsace rotundifolia
Oxalis corniculata
salix wallichiana
Rubia cordifolia Linn
Nepeta raphanorhiza
Senecio graciliflorus
lamium album

Monday, April 9, 2018

Organic herb seeds

The Jammu and Kashmir Medicinal Plants Introduction Centre's  Herb Garden playscentral role in the education of our students. Botanical medicine students study and cultivate a variety of medicinal plants throughout their life cycle. Many of these plants are harvested at their seasonal peak for creating medicinal tinctures and salves. Nutrition classes use the cultivated culinary herbs and organic vegetables in the instition's whole-food kitchen lab. The garden is designed, cultivated and managed by students and volunteers under the guidance of the garden manager and assistant garden manager with a combined total over 21 years of experience.
Availability: Herbs, Crude Drugs, Herbal Seeds, Herbal Roots,Forest Tree seeds, Temperate fruit plants,Medicinal herbs,Flower seeds and much more.....
If you don't found you variety/sort/quantity, which you are looking for, please send us a mail to :
Ph: 09419966983,09858986794/01933-223705
Anise Hyssop
Balsam Topknot - Mixed colors
Basil, Cinnamon
Basil, Lime
Basil, Sweet
Basil- Crimson King
Bee Balm / Oswego Tea
Bird's Foot Trefoil
Black Cohosh
Blackberry Lily
Blazing Stars / Gayfeather
Blessed Thistle
Broom Corn
Butterfly Weed
California Poppy
Cape Gooseberry
Cardinal Flower
Catnip - Lemon
Catnip / Catmint
Celandine - Greater
Chamomile German
Chamomile Roman
Chinese Milk Vetch
Chives -Garlic
Chocolate Flower
Cilantro or Coriander
Clary Sage
Clover - White
Cockscomb Flamingo
Cockscomb Kurume
Coneflower, narrow leaf
Cumin, Black
Cupids Dart
Daisy - Ox-Eye
Eryngium Blue Glitter
Evening Primrose - Common
Fairybells / Bellwort
Fennel, Bronze & Green
Four o clock
Foxglove -Chinese
Geranium - Wild
Gloriosa Daisy
Good King Henry
Henbane Black
Hibiscus Manihot
Hollyhock - Black
Horehound, White
Hyacinth Bean
Jacobs Ladder
Jewels of Opar
Joe Pye Weed
Lady's Mantle
Lambs Ear
Lemon Balm
Lemon Bergamot
Licorice - American
Mallow - Common
Maral Root
Money Plant/Honesty
Motherwort, Siberian
Mountain Mint
Oregano, Greek
Oregano, Italian
Pale Jewelweed
Parsley, Dk Green Italian
Parsley, Triple Curled
Passion Flower
Perilla, Green
Perilla, Red
Poppy - Opium
Pot Marigold
Purple Coneflower
Rattail Radish
Rhubarb -Garden / English
Rose / Swamp Mallow
Rose Campion
Sage, White
Saint Johns wort
Salvia, Red
Savory - Winter
Savory, Summer
Senna, American
Shoo Fly
Skullcap - Baical
Sunflower - Tickseed
Sunflowers, Perennial
Swamp Milkweed
Sweet Annie
Sweet Cicely
Sweet Flag
Sweet Woodruff
Tarragon - Russian
Tarragon - Mexican
Teasel, Fuller's
Thistle, Scotch
Thyme, Common
Thyme, creaping
Tobacco, Rustic
Visnaga / Khella
Winter Aconite
Wood Betony
Yarrow mixed colors
Yarrow, White
Yin Yang Beans

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Medicinal plants in Jammu and Kashmir

Cradled in the lap of the Himalayas the state of Jammu and Kashmir is particularly rich is flora. Due to the wide variations in topography, the region has a large variety of species. There is no wonder that its flora ranges from the thorn bush type of the arid plains to the temperate and alpine flora of the higher altitudes. Prominent among the trees are maple, horse chestnuts, silver fir, etc. At the higher altitudes there are birch, rhododendron, Berbers and a large number of herbal plants.

Buy medicinal plants,herbal seeds,organic food plants,forest tree seeds only at:

Jammu and Kshmir Medicinal Plants Introduction Centre
POB 667 GPO Srinagar SGR J&K 190001

Medicinal Plants And Their Uses     
Medicinal Plants List   
The Encyclopedia Of Medicinal Plants   
Medicinal Plants And Their Name   
Medicinal Plants And Names   
Indian Medicinal Plants   
Medicinal Herbs And Plants   
Medicinal Aloe Plant 
Neem Medicinal Plants   
Herbal Medicinal Plants
Aloe Vera
Herbal Remedies 
Medical Plants
Foxglove Plant
Rainforest Medicine Plants
Plants And Their Uses
Useful Plants And Their Uses
Names Of Herbal Plants
Medicinal Herbs
Medicinal Mushrooms
Medicinal Plant Tulsi
Ayurvedic Medicinal Plants
Healing Plants
Herbal Plants
Medicinal Flowers
Medicinal Garden
Medicinal Plants Book
The Loss Of Medicinal Plants
Jamaican Medicinal Plants
Plants For Medicinal Purposes Of
Medicinal Plant Science
Plants With Medicinal Properties
Natural Medicinal Plants
Medicinal Herbs Chart
Medicinal Palnt
Medicinal Flower Science
Names Of Healing Plants
Healing Herbs And Plants List
Indian Plants
Marijuana Plants
Herbal Plants By Names
Healing Plants And Flowers

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