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Saturday, April 11, 2020

Poplar Trees For The Future

Poplar trees are environmentally-friendly also because they reduce soil erosion and desertification, increase the biodiversity of natural habitats, and enhance the landscape. Whether as a tree or a finished product, poplar has an essential function, as it sequesters carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Sheikh Gulzar
POB 667 GPO Srinagar SGR J&K 190001
Shaheed-e-Azemat Road, Nambalbal, Pampore J&K 192121
Ph: 09858986794/01933-223705

Friday, April 10, 2020

Natural and Organic Hair Growth Treatment

Medicinal herbs are very beneficial to use in treating scalp issues, growing healthier longer hair, and in certain cases re-growing hair that has been lost from poor hair braiding installations and chemical relaxer's. Herbal infusions, tintures and spritzes may be taken internally by making herbal teas and drinking them or tinctures to use topically on skin. Herbal spritzes are also very beneficial and can be used for natural body fragrancing and hair revitalizing. I've been using them often lately and really love the results. Similar to oil mixing, herbal hair and skin care is great since it provides us with the ability customize our hair care especially to address our individual needs. Adding dried herbs to your favorite carrier oil in a glass jar that seals air tight for 2-6 weeks is a really great and inexpensive way to make your favorite oil even more therapeutic.

1. Arctium Lappa-Great Burdock Roots (60 grams)
Burdock root is commonly used to improve hair growth, stop hair fall, while adding sheen, and strength to the hair. It can be used as a final rinse in place of conditioner. When Burdock root is infused with hot distilled water it releases the Burdock root mucilage (slippery plant proteins) & oils which helps to promote effective recovery of scalp irritation, supplying nutritional support to the hair follicles and sebaceous glands thus it promotes natural hair growth. Burdock root is great for correcting excessivly oily hair as well. It treats skin issues like seborrhea, acne and eczema. Infusing Burdock root in oil or mixing with hot water and allowing it to steep are great ways to apply this beneficial herb into your hair care regimen.

2. Taraxacum officinale-Dandelion Root (60 grams)
Dandelion Root is especially beneficial in treating those who suffer from hair loss. Highly rich in iron, this root will treat dandruff, seborrhea, and correct dry hair issues. It is very useful in treating black eyes, skin spots and discolorations as well. The leaves are loaded with potassium, gluten, magnesium, niacin, calcium, phosphorus, proteins, resin, iron, sulphur, zinc, vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, C and E. The leaves are a richer source of vitamin A than carrots! (Vitamin A: it is an antioxidant that aids in the making of healthy sebum in the scalp.)

Buy Natural herbs 
Jammu and Kashmir Medicinal Plants Introduction Centre
POB: 667 GPO Srinagar SGR J&K 190001
(Mob) : 09858986794, 09419966983
Ph: 01933-223705
.......... httsp:// 

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Organic Herbal seeds Kashmir

Organic fruit seeds Kashmir
Natural seeds, Flower seeds, Fruit seeds, Vegetable seeds, Herb seeds, Grass seeds, Shrub seeds,  Fruit plant seeds, Vine seeds, Flower Seeds, heritage seeds, heirloom seeds Kashmir, heirloom seeds india, Seed Collections, New seeds, Himalayan wild flowersBotanical herbs, Open-pollinated seeds, Organic seeds etc. 

For more details:
Jammu and Kashmir Medicinal Plants Introduction Centre
POB: 667 GPO Srinagar SGR J&K 190001
(Mob) : 09858986794, 09419966983
Ph: 01933-223705
.......... httsp:// 

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Banafasha flower seeds

Bot. name: Viola odorata
Family: Violaceae (Violet Family)
Kashmiri names: Banafasha/Gul-e-Banafasha (Banafasha flowers)
Sweet Violet plant seeds

Sweet violet has a long and proven history of folk use, especially in the treatment of cancer and whooping cough. It also contains salicylic acid, which is used to make aspirin. It is therefore effective in the treatment of headaches, migraine and insomnia. The whole plant is anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, diuretic, emollient, expectorant, and laxative. It is taken internally in the treatment of bronchitis, respiratory catarrh, coughs, asthma, and cancer of the breastlungs or digestive tract. Externally, it is used to treat mouth and throat infections.

The plant can either be used fresh, or harvested when it comes into flower and then be dried for later use. The flowers are demulcent and emollient. They are used in the treatment of biliousness and lung troubles. The petals are made into a syrup and used in the treatment of infantile disorders. The roots is a much stronger expectorant than other parts of the plant but they also contain the alkaloid violine which at higher doses is strongly emetic and purgative. They are gathered in the autumn and dried for later use.

The seeds are diuretic and purgative. They have been used in the treatment of urinary complaints are considered to be a good remedy for gravel. A homeopathic remedy is made from the whole fresh plant. It is considered useful in the treatment of spasmodic coughs and rheumatism of the wrist. An essential oil from the flowers is used in aromatherapy in the treatment of bronchial complaints, exhaustion and skin complaints.

Availability of Viola odorata plant, Seed, Runner,Leaf

More info:
Mail us :
Mob: 09858986794
Ph: 01933-223705
Jammu and Kashmir Medicinal Plants Introduction Centre
POB 667 GPO Srinagar SGR J&K 190001